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The process of legal merger of N Banka d.d. with NLB d.d. successfully closed

In accordance with the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Article 158 of the Financial Instruments Market Act (ZTFI-1), NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, the Management Board of NLB d.d. announces:

With today’s entry of the merger in the Register of Companies the process of legal merger of N Banka d.d. with NLB d.d. is successfully closed. 

In March 2022, following the sanctions directed towards the Russian Sberbank and its subsidiaries, including Sberbank d.d., NLB d.d. responded conscientiously and responsibly to the sudden challenge in the financial stability of the Slovenian banking sector and signed a sales agreement with the Single Resolution Fund to acquire a 100% share in Sberbank d.d. By entering its ownership structure, NLB d.d. stabilised its operations, its customers regained access to funds on their accounts and were able to transact normally and the bank was renamed to N Banka d.d.  

The first of the final steps in this demanding process has been made with today’s entry of the legal merger in the Register of Companies and the process of operational integration of N Banka with NLB will follow this weekend. 

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